Natural history surrealist sculptures by Ellen Jewett Merge. View more of her work on her website:
Incredible artists of the 2012 Paper Biennial Rijswijk at the Museum Rijswijk in The Netherlands, including international artists such as Georgia Gremouti, Marleen-van-Wijngaarden, and Michael-Hansmeyer
Suspended human-like cocoons, by Georgia Gremouti.
Made of paper, fabric and a motor it actually moves and undulates, by Georgia Gremouti.
Paper piece by Georgia Gremouti, from a piece called False ID.
Piece by Marleen-van-Wijngaarden
Paper sculpture by Michael-Hansmeyer
While doing research for design and strategy ideas, or even personal projects, I’m often stumbling upon the coolest images. I find a home for them by way of a folder on my machine, but always feel sad they can’t be enjoyed or shared for their brilliance. The following are a number of kooky, lonely and amazing monuments (which i hope to label correctly, when i find some time). Enjoy!